Revivelife Clinic I Naturopath in Ottawa



The Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity profile from Doctor's Data helps differentiate between CD, gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy by evaluating the serum titers of IgA and IgG for tissue transglutaminase, deamidated gliadin peptide, and gliadin. Wheat allergy is assessed by titers of IgE for wheat.
Helpful for those who wish to understand the degree of reactivity to gluten and wheat.


An advanced comprehensive wheat/gluten reactivity test, which assists in the identification of wheat reactivity, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Celiac disease, food opioid reactivity, intestinal barrier damage, and wheat-related autoimmunity by assessing autoimmune reactivity.
Recommended for those with chronic digestive concerns, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, joint pain, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia, depression or neuro-autoimmunity.

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Did you know that stomach acid is actually good for you? In fact, many people who think that they have high stomach acid levels, have low stomach acid levels. Proper stomach acid production is vital to unlocking optimal digestion. That is why testing is important.

Low stomach acid or hypochlorhydria occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough stomach acid to digest foods and tends to be more pronounced as you age. When the stomach cannot produce enough acid, key minerals and proteins can’t be absorbed into the body leading to vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Stomach acid is also responsible for killing harmful bacteria from foods and neutralizing enzymes. Hypochlorhydria can leave the body vulnerable to several health complications and diseases linked to the inability of foods to be broken down, sitting in the stomach, and bacteria build-up. Optimal release of stomach acid takes place when the body is relaxed and in the parasympathetic nervous system state.

The main symptoms of low stomach acid are gas and bloating. Other symptoms include:
  • Burping
  • Cramping
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea – especially when taking supplements
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Infection
  • Undigested food in stools
  • Bad breath
  • Weak hair and nails
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
Inadequate stomach acid level, including that caused by chronic use of antacids and or proton pump inhibitors, has been associated with several health conditions including: acid reflux, gastritis, allergies, anemia, nutrient deficiencies, autoimmune conditions, skin concerns – acne, eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis, osteoporosis, leaky gut/bowel syndrome, diabetes, cancer, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). 1-4

The most common causes of low stomach acid include:

Stress and poor diet are two of the most common reasons that can directly affect your stomach acid levels. Other factors include:

  • Eating too quickly
  • High sugar intake
  • Zinc deficiency
  • Age
  • Antacid medication and prescription drugs
  • Food intolerances, sensitivities or allergies
  • Infection i.e. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
  • Chronic illness
  • Stomach surgeries 
Stomach acid plays an important role in the digestion of your food and absorption of nutrients. When the sphincter valve at the end of your esophagus fails to close properly, stomach acid and contents leak back up into the esophagus. This damages the esophageal lining causing heartburn. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec®  inhibit the release of stomach acid and provide short-term relief but are linked to long-term changes to digestion and reduction of key nutrients. 7,8,15-17 Some examples of nutrient deficiencies linked to long term PPI use include:
  • Vitamin B12 – PPIs block the release of stomach acid and intrinsic factor which is required for the absorption of vitamin B12. 15-17 Vitamin B12 is required in the body for energy production.
  • Iron – the reduced absorption of iron can lead to anemia. 18 Iron is important for oxygenation and energy.
  • Calcium – optimal calcium absorption requires the presence of acid.19 The body uses calcium for the contraction of all muscles and for bone health.
  • Magnesium- PPIs are thought to inhibit the active transport of magnesium in the intestine. Magnesium is helps to promote relaxation in the body.
  • Folic acid – absorption is reduced.19,20  Folic acid is needed for optimal energy and cardiovascular health.
  • Zinc – is impaired, which is needed for many enzyme reactions in the body.21

When there is an increase in abdominal fat, more pressure is created and or the angle of the stomach and esophagus may change. When this happens, your stomach acid has more of a tendency to reflux and cause problems.

Your Naturopath or Nurse Practitioner will help assess which test is right for you, including an analysis of the most cost-efficient.

Your medical doctor will focus on OHIP covered tests and referral to a GI specialist who commonly will perform blood work, an endoscope or colonoscopy to rule out disease. These tests are simple functional tests that can help determine your plan to improve your digestion. path of testing. We recommend a New Patient Visit with one of our Naturopathic Doctors for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot prior to lab testing as there are many tests available.  Lab testing alone is a one-dimensional picture of your health. The expertise of a health professional is required to create a three-dimensional picture for proper selection, and interpretation of lab testing. To complete your care we recommend booking your Post-Lab consult 2 weeks after testing to review your results and receive your tailored health plan.

Third-party insurance companies may cover all or a portion of your consultations. The at-home tests are easy to perform and minimal cost. Please check with your individual provider for details and how to submit claims for consultation coverage.

At Revivelife our Naturopathic Doctors in Ottawa provide focused treatment and specialized care based on the root cause of your low stomach acid. Naturopathic approaches include lifestyle management, stress management, assessment of food sensitivities, promotion of relaxation while dining, nutritional support (fermented foods, raw apple cider vinegar and ginger), acupuncture, and tailored supplements including pre and probiotics, enzymes, and herbals to improve your microbiome and overall digestion.

Simple at-home strategies include:

  1. Relax while dining. You need to be the parasympathetic or relaxed part of the nervous system for your body to release enough enzymes and stomach acid to break down your foods. Add music or candle lights to your dining routine to promote shifting from your busy day to enjoying your foods all while promoting digestion.
  2. Limit processed foods. A whole food nutrition plan that is right for you can make a great difference in how you feel. Fuel your body with foods rich in nutrients and enzymes like raw fruits and vegetables and or fermented foods – such as kimchi, sauerkraut, or water kefir.
  3. Include 1-2 Tbsp. of raw apple cider vinegar (RACV) in a small amount of water and drink before meals. RACV is a fermented liquid made from crushed apples, bacteria, and yeast. It’s rich in protein and enzymes that can help break down foods. Note – be sure and add to water as pure RACV may over time damage the enamel on your teeth.

We recommend a New Patient Visit for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot before lab testing and a Post-Lab consult to review your results and receive your tailored health plan.

Click Here to book an appointment.

  1. Richards JB, Goltzman D. Proton Pump Inhibitors: Balancing the benefits and potential fracture risks. CMAJ. 2008 Aug 12;179:306-7.
  2. Gulmez SE, Holm A, Frederiksen H, Jensen TG, Pedersen C, Hallas J. Use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of community-acquired pneumonia: A population-based case control study. Arc Intern Med. 2007 May 14;167(9):950-5.
  3. Bavishi C, Dupont HL. Systematic review: the use of proton pump inhibitors and increased susceptibility to enteric infection. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Dec;34;(11-12):1269-81. 
  4. Fossmark R, Johnsen G, Johanessen E, Waldum HL. Rebound acid hypersecretion after long-term inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Jan 15;21(2):149-54.
  5. Gray SL, LaCroix AZ, Larson J, et al. Proton pump inhibitors use, hip fracture, and change in bone mineral density in post-menopausal women: results from the Women’s Health Initiative. Arc Intern Med. 2010 May 2010;170(9):765-71.
  6. Eurich DT, Sadowski CA, Simpson SH, Marrie TJ, Majumdar SR. Recurrent community-acquired pneumonia in patients starting acid-suppressing drugs. Am J Med. 2010 Jan;123(1):47-53. 
  7. Skikne BS, Lynch SR, Cook SD. Role of gastric acid in food iron absorption. Gastroenterology. 1981 Dec;81(6):1068-71.
  8. McColl KE. Effect of proton pump inhibitors on vitamins and iron. Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 Mar;104 Suppl 2:S5-9. 
  9. Eom CS, Park SM, Myung SK, Yun JM, Ahn JS. Use of acid-suppressive drugs and risk of fracture: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Ann Fam Med. 2011;9:257-67.
  10. Kopic S, Geibel JP. Gastric acid, calcium absorption, and their impact on bone health. Physiol Rev. 2013 Jan;93(1):189-268. 
  11. Yang YX. Chronic proton pump inihibitor therapy and calcium metabolism. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2012 Dec;14(6):473-9. 
  12. Bolton-Smith C, McMurdo ME, Paterson CR, et al. Two-year randomized controlled trial of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin D3 plus calcium on the bone health of older women. J Bone Miner Res. 2007 Apr;22(4):509-19.
  13. Aseeri M, Schroeder T, Kramer J, Zackula R. Gastric acid suppression by proton pump inhibitors as a risk factor for clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in hospitalized patients. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Sep;103(9):2308-13. 
  14. Pohl JF. Clostridium difficile infection and proton pump inhibitors. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2012 Oct;24(5):627-31. 
  15. Saltzman JR, Kemp JA, Golner BB, et al. Effect of hypochlorhydria due to omeprazole treatment or atrophic gastritis on protein-bound vitamin B12 absorption. J Am Coll Nutr. 1994;13:584-91.
  16. Alleyne M, Horne MK, Miller JL. Individualized treatment for iron-deficiency anemia in adults. Am J Med. 2008;121:943-8.
  17. Bronner F, Pansu D. Nutritional aspects of calcium absorption. J Nutr. 1999 Jan;129(1):9-12.
  18. Hess MW, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ, Drenth JP. Systematic review: hypomagnesaemia induced by proton pump inhibition. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012;36:405-13.
  19. Russel RM, Golner BB, Krasinski SD, et al. Effect of antacid and H2 receptor antagonists on the intestinal absorption of folic acid. J Lab Clinc Med. 1988; 112:458-63.
  20. Iskandar BJ, Nelson A, Resnick D, et al. Folic acid supplementation enhances repair of the adult central nervous system. Ann Neurol. 2004 Aug;56(2):221-7.
  21. Sturniolo GC, Montino MC, Rosettol, Martin A, D Inca R. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion reduces zinc absorption in man. J Am Coll Nutr. 1991 Aug;10(4): 372-5.
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