Hepatic Detox Profile by Doctors Data is designed to establish liver health and liver function, and how the liver is handling exposure to (toxic) chemicals. The body continually attempts to eliminate chemical toxins through enzymatic processes in the liver. Urinary D- glucaric acid, a byproduct of phase I detoxification, is a valuable indicator of chemical exposure or liver damage. Urinary mercapturic acids are direct end product metabolites of conjugated xenobiotics.
Combined assessment of the urinary levels of
the two analytes provides valuable information about exposure to xenobiotics and liver disease, and the capability of the liver to eliminate toxins. Collect sample at home and mail to the lab. Doctors order provided, you receive the results.
Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.
-Toxic Element Exposure
-Excessive Fish Consumption
-Impaired Glucose Tolerance
-Kidney Function
-Parkinson's like Symptoms
-Sexual Impotence or Decreased Testosterone
-Vision Problems
This test analyses 20 toxic metals and 18 essential minerals in urine after the administration of a metal detoxification agent. It is important to perform both pre- and post- provocation urinalysis to permit distinction between ongoing exposures to metals (pre -) and net bodily retention. Acute metal poisoning is rare. More common, however, is a chronic, low - level exposure to toxic metals that can lead to disease.
This test is useful for toxic element exposure, alopecia, bone density, cardiovascular disease, depression, dermatitis or poor wound healing, detoxification therapy, fatigue, GI health, high blood pressure, immune function, blood sugar imbalances, kidney function, nutritional deficiencies, and Parkinson’s-like Symptoms.
This signature DNA Genetic Test Health & Hormones assess over 100 genes for Detoxification Pathways , Health Overall, Hormone Metabolism, Nutrition, Alcohol Tolerance, Vitamin & Minerals needs, Blood Sugar, Weight & Metabolism, Cardiovascular Health, Fitness (Exercise Performance & Impact) & Injury Risk.Best suited to those who want the most comprehensive approach to DNA health.
An important test to assess your genetic tendencies to not only metabolic syndrome (cardiovascular disease and blood sugar imbalances) but also your overall health.
Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.
Indicated for those with risk of nutrient deficiencies, toxic element exposure, excessive fish consumption, alopecia, depression, fatigue, malabsorption, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, kidney function, Parkinson’s - like symptoms, sexual impotence or decreased testosterone production, and vision concerns.
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