Revivelife Clinic I Naturopath in Ottawa



Blood testing is a simple cost-efficient test
that offers a snap-shot in time of total or
free fraction sex, adrenal and thyroid
hormones. Serum testing is best used for
hormones such as Luteinizing Hormone (LH),
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1, and some thyroid hormones. General health markers available as an add-on.

This test supports balancing hormones that
can impact metabolism, hair loss, acne,
migraines, bone density or prostate health.


Saliva testing offers a reflection of hormone levels in the actual tissue. Hormones can be detected in saliva, as hormones pass through
the saliva gland tissues before entering saliva. It is the preferred method of testing for
those using hormones in a cream form.

May be recommended for those with fertility
or breast health concerns, in which free
hormone levels, multiple samples or a
monthly map of hormone levels are required
for optimal therapy.


The Estrogen Profile provides a targeted
evaluation of estrogens, estrogen metabolites including the 2/16 estrogen ratio and progesterone using the DUTCH test.
It is recommended to partner this with a
thermography test for optimal breast and overall health assessment.

Vital for estrogen related health concerns including breast health, estrogen
dominance, endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian
health, fatigue, weight, low sex drive, detoxification pathways
and cancer prevention.


Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive
Hormones Cycle Mapping allows for an
evaluation of the variations that occur in
female hormones over a monthly menstrual
cycle with nine samples taken through the
month. Adrenal or complete hormone
testing is available as an add-on.

Useful for those with month-long symptoms such as women with infertility, PCOS, painful
periods, missed or irregular menstrual cycles,
partial hysterectomies, Ablations, Mirena IUD,
mid-cycle spotting, migraines and
hormone-driven acne.


Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones
is the most advanced test for bioavailable (free
and conjugated) sex, adrenal and sleep
hormones. In addition, add on options of OATS
(organic acid test)–select nutrients with
neurotransmitters or thyroid hormones are
available. It is the preferred method of testing
for those who wish to have a complete
overview of their hormone and hormone
metabolite health in detail. Monthly mapping
option is available.

Key for therapies for targeting all hormone
imbalances including male andropause or
female menopause, PMS (premenstrual
syndrome), PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome), weight gain, cognitive decline, low libido or hair loss.

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Hormones affect every cell in your body and impact your overall health as well as play a role in disease prevention. Testing and then balancing hormone levels, including stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA), thyroid hormones (TSH, fT3, fT4), and sex hormones (progesterone, estrogens (estrone, estradiol, estriol), DHEA, testosterone, and pregnenolone), are important for wellness. Advanced hormone metabolites can be assessed to help in cancer prevention strategies.


+What are the common signs & symptoms of a hormone imbalance? 

Common symptoms of hormone imbalance are:

+What are the risks of developing a hormone imbalance?

The principal risks of developing hormone imbalances include:

  • Age
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Liver Disease (hepatitis, mono, fatty liver)
  • Excess Exposure: alcohol, chemicals, drugs, medications
  • Genetic Link
  • Low Nutrients
  • Microbiome Imbalance
  • Obesity
  • Poor Lifestyle – Diet, Lack of Sleep, Stress, Smoking


+What is the difference between blood, saliva, and urine methods for hormone testing?

Each of the methods for testing hormones has its pros and cons. Each method can provide valuable and important information, but because the information is different for each method, the method(s) you use should be determined by your diagnostic needs.

Blood Testing

Readily accessible & good correlation with symptoms

Can test for free (active) & total testosterone (saliva & urine can’t do)

Can test for SHBG & PSA


A single snapshot in time

Not ideal testing for estrogen metabolites that are friendly or unfriendly for cancer risk (i.e. 2/16 hydroyxestrone ratio)

Estriol not an ideal method

Saliva Testing

Steroid hormones in the blood are 95-99 % bound to carrier proteins.

Monthly Map Available

Saliva testing measures the bioavailable amount1-3

Good to monitor hormone therapy

Easy collection

Misses sex hormone metabolites

Saliva samples have lower amounts of hormones thus consistent accuracy is more difficult

Contamination from bleeding gums or brushing teeth too hard can give artificially elevated levels

Urine – 24 Hour

Assesses many hormones including sex hormone metabolites

Average hormone level over 24-hours removing daily fluctuations in hormones

Collection is difficult

Dysfunction in the diurnal pattern of cortisol cannot be determined


Urine – DUTCH

Useful in determining complete sex and stress hormones including their metabolites, sleep hormones i.e. melatonin, and six organic acids including nutrients and neurotransmitters.

Tests for all 2 estrogens

Estrogen metabolites

2/16 hydroxy estrone ratio and 2 methoxyestradiol (suspected to have anticancer qualities)

Easy collection

Some don’t include thyroid hormones

Only tests for hormones body is excreting in the urine


+How do I know which hormone test is right for me? 

Your Naturopath or Nurse Practitioner will help assess which test is right for you, including an analysis of the most cost-efficient path of testing. We recommend a New Patient Visit with one of our Naturopathic Doctors for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot prior to lab testing as there are many tests available.  Lab testing alone is a one-dimensional picture of your health. The expertise of a health professional is required to create a three-dimensional picture for proper selection, and interpretation of lab testing. To complete your care, we recommend booking your Post-Lab consult 2 weeks after testing to review your results and receive your tailored health plan.

+How are these hormone tests different than the tests that my doctor does?

The hormone tests available through Naturopaths, Nurse Practitioners or Integrative Doctors incorporate the latest scientific strategies and are more detailed than what traditional doctors most often use that are covered by provincial insurance plans such as OHIP. For example, our hormone panels include stress and thyroid hormones. Your clinician will also refer you back to your medical practitioner when tests are available that are covered by insurance plans. Integrative practitioners will also assess your lab results based on optimal vs normal ranges to be proactive vs reactive in health.

+Are these hormone tests covered under insurance plans?

Third-party insurance companies may cover all or a portion of your consultations. Most other integrative testing is not currently covered by private insurance companies. Please check with your individual provider for details and how to submit claims.

+How are hormone imbalances treated? 

Your Revivelife integrative practitioner will review all findings and create a personalized plan for you based on what are the root causes of the Hormone Imbalance. Often lifestyle modifications to promote optimal sleep, fitness, nutrition, and reduced stress create significant improvements in hormone balance and are the foundation of hormone health.

 Your plan will include essential nutrients such as vitamin B5, or others specific to you. Vitamin B5 is a crucial vitamin required to form the “mother hormone” pregnenolone from cholesterol that cascades into all other sex hormones. Your practitioner will share key food sources of vitamin B5, including pumpkin seeds, whole grains, avocados, and recipes that can help you include these foods in your daily menu.

Targeted supplements, herbals, acupuncture, or a referral to our bio-identical hormone prescribers are customized to suit your needs. Bioidentical progesterone may be recommended to help support your mood and sleep. Progesterone has a calming effect on the brain. It modulates GABA receptors 4 which induce sleep and relaxation. Many sleeping pills work by modulating these receptors, but progesterone doesn’t come with undesirable side effects.

To Book, an appointment Click here

Common symptoms of hormone imbalance are:

The principal risks of developing hormone imbalances include:

  • Age
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Liver Disease (hepatitis, mono, fatty liver)
  • Excess Exposure: alcohol, chemicals, drugs, medications
  • Genetic Link
  • Low Nutrients
  • Microbiome Imbalance
  • Obesity
  • Poor Lifestyle – Diet, Lack of Sleep, Stress, Smoking

Each of the methods for testing hormones has its pros and cons. Each method can provide valuable and important information, but because the information is different for each method, the method(s) you use should be determined by your diagnostic needs.

Blood Testing

Readily accessible & good correlation with symptoms

Can test for free (active) & total testosterone (saliva & urine can’t do)

Can test for SHBG & PSA


A single snapshot in time

Not ideal testing for estrogen metabolites that are friendly or unfriendly for cancer risk (i.e. 2/16 hydroyxestrone ratio)

Estriol not an ideal method

Saliva Testing

Steroid hormones in the blood are 95-99 % bound to carrier proteins.

Monthly Map Available

Saliva testing measures the bioavailable amount1-3

Good to monitor hormone therapy

Easy collection

Misses sex hormone metabolites

Saliva samples have lower amounts of hormones thus consistent accuracy is more difficult

Contamination from bleeding gums or brushing teeth too hard can give artificially elevated levels

Urine – 24 Hour

Assesses many hormones including sex hormone metabolites

Average hormone level over 24-hours removing daily fluctuations in hormones

Collection is difficult

Dysfunction in the diurnal pattern of cortisol cannot be determined


Urine – DUTCH

Useful in determining complete sex and stress hormones including their metabolites, sleep hormones i.e. melatonin, and six organic acids including nutrients and neurotransmitters.

Tests for all 2 estrogens

Estrogen metabolites

2/16 hydroxy estrone ratio and 2 methoxyestradiol (suspected to have anticancer qualities)

Easy collection

Some don’t include thyroid hormones

Only tests for hormones body is excreting in the urine


Your Naturopath or Nurse Practitioner will help assess which test is right for you, including an analysis of the most cost-efficient path of testing. We recommend a New Patient Visit with one of our Naturopathic Doctors for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot prior to lab testing as there are many tests available.  Lab testing alone is a one-dimensional picture of your health. The expertise of a health professional is required to create a three-dimensional picture for proper selection, and interpretation of lab testing. To complete your care, we recommend booking your Post-Lab consult 2 weeks after testing to review your results and receive your tailored health plan.

The hormone tests available through Naturopaths, Nurse Practitioners or Integrative Doctors incorporate the latest scientific strategies and are more detailed than what traditional doctors most often use that are covered by provincial insurance plans such as OHIP. For example, our hormone panels include stress and thyroid hormones. Your clinician will also refer you back to your medical practitioner when tests are available that are covered by insurance plans. Integrative practitioners will also assess your lab results based on optimal vs normal ranges to be proactive vs reactive in health.

Third-party insurance companies may cover all or a portion of your consultations. Most other integrative testing is not currently covered by private insurance companies. Please check with your individual provider for details and how to submit claims.

Your Revivelife integrative practitioner will review all findings and create a personalized plan for you based on what are the root causes of the Hormone Imbalance. Often lifestyle modifications to promote optimal sleep, fitness, nutrition, and reduced stress create significant improvements in hormone balance and are the foundation of hormone health.

 Your plan will include essential nutrients such as vitamin B5, or others specific to you. Vitamin B5 is a crucial vitamin required to form the “mother hormone” pregnenolone from cholesterol that cascades into all other sex hormones. Your practitioner will share key food sources of vitamin B5, including pumpkin seeds, whole grains, avocados, and recipes that can help you include these foods in your daily menu.

Targeted supplements, herbals, acupuncture, or a referral to our bio-identical hormone prescribers are customized to suit your needs. Bioidentical progesterone may be recommended to help support your mood and sleep. Progesterone has a calming effect on the brain. It modulates GABA receptors 4 which induce sleep and relaxation. Many sleeping pills work by modulating these receptors, but progesterone doesn’t come with undesirable side effects.

To Book, an appointment Click here

  1. Vining RF, McGinley RA. The measurement of hormones in saliva: possibilities and pitfalls. J Steroid Biochem. 1987;27:81–94.
  2. John G Lewis, Steroid Analysis in Saliva: An overview, Clin Biochem Rev. 2006 Aug; 27(3): 139–146.
  3. Michael J. Kozloski,1,2,3Philip Schumm,4 and Martha K. McClintock 2,3,4,5,6, The Utility and Dynamics of Salivary Sex Hormone Measurements in the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, Wave 2, J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2014 Nov; 69(Suppl 2): S215–S228.
  4. Pazol K, Northcutt KV, Patisaul HB, et al, Progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate differentially regulate α4 subunit expression of GABAA receptors in the CA1 hippocampus of female rats, Physiol Behav. 2009 Apr 20;97(1):58-61. Epub 2009 Feb 7.
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