The MUT is a screening of the urine for any abnormal patterns in relation to the digestive system, adrenal gland, and pH. In addition, it screens for the general health of the kidney, liver/gall bladder, pancreas, urinary system, and heart. The Metabolic Urine Test is performed on all New Patient Naturopathic Visits and Recommended for all annually as a window to your general health prevention. The MUT detects changes before they become disease or
“sub -clinical” states.
May be recommended if you experience fatigue, digestive concerns, pain, inflammation, and
immune weakness.
A quick screening of the urine for any abnormal patterns in relation to Free Radicals, Calcium Status and Bone Loss, Heavy Metals, Vitamin C and Zinc Levels. It is recommended for all annually as a window to your general health preventively.
A key test for anyone over age 30 and especially for women and men entering into menopause or andropause (male menopause).
+Why test for metabolic markers? At Revivelife we recommend testing to promote optimal wellness and disease prevention. The MUT is an easy test to screen and monitor digestive health, as well as the reaction of stress on the body through its effect on the adrenal gland. |
+What are the markers that are tested? Metabolic Urine Test (MUT) The MUT includes the following:
Chemstrip 10 General Screening A urine test that measures the following:
Koenisburg Adrenal Test The Koenigsberg test is a screening urine test for high blood pressure (hypertension) management and adrenal function. The procedure assesses for urinary chloride and gives an indirect measurement of sodium excretion. The goal is to assess the sub-clinical stages of low adrenal function. Low energy, digestive upset, recurrent infections, fibromyalgia, and many other conditions can be associated. The adrenals relate to all other areas of your health. This test assists in understanding the reserves of energy stores you have and cortisol levels. The adrenal glands sit above our kidneys. They are like the body’s battery and get recharged by proper sleep, lifestyle, and diet.
Indican (Obermeyer) Bowel Test The indican bowel urine test is used for monitoring intestinal or digestive concerns including Leaky Bowel Syndrome. This assessment tests for indoxyl sulfate for bowel toxicity. Indoxyl sulfate is formed when putrefactive/fermenting bacteria cause intestinal decomposition of tryptophane in the small intestine. This formation of indoxyl sulfate thus causes absorption into the bloodstream and excretion in the urine. Indican levels are directly associated with bacterial activity in the intestines. Elevated levels indicate intestinal toxemia or overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and putrefaction of undigested food in the bowels. Many causes can be involved, including
pH Test Your body’s overall pH can be measured in various ways including urine and saliva. These measurements can be a sign of predisposition to acidity which promotes chronic degenerative disease and inflammation. Research indicates that Cancer and many diseases progress more rapidly in an acidic environment. Urine pH Test Included in Chemstrip 10 Urinalysis Saliva pH Challenge Test Acid-Alkaline Balance: A simple test to measure your susceptibility to various degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Saliva pH is controlled by your diet and the number of vitamins and minerals you have in your body. Lower saliva pH is a good indicator of the need for vitamin and mineral supplements. Saliva pH over 7.0 is a good indicator that you are taking in enough vitamins and minerals. Saliva pH is usually measured from 5-9, the lower your score the more acidic and the more likely to have health problems. Your ideal saliva pH level should be between 7.0-7.4. (Wampold, Richard L, Journal of the American Dietetic Association; 8/1/1990). The lower pH found was associated with the lack of nutrients and with a higher incidence of dental cavities. To increase the salivary pH level, you need to know what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. The body recognizes foods as either acid, neutral or alkaline based. Metabolic Urine Test Plus (MUT+) A quick screening of the urine for any abnormal patterns in relation to the Free Radicals, Bone Loss, Heavy Metals, Vitamins & Minerals. This is important for anyone over age 30 and especially for women & men entering into menopause or andropause respectively. It is recommended for all annually as a window to your general health preventively.
Free Radical Test A Free Radical Test using a urine sample to measure the level of free radical stress in the body. An excess of free radicals over a period of time leads to chronic diseases including cancer, cell damage, and faster aging. When free radicals oxidize fat, oxidized byproducts such as MDA (Malondialdehyde) are produced and excreted through the urine. Free Radical Screening detects the level of oxidative stress within the body and can determine if a patient needs greater antioxidant intake. Common Causes of Free Radical Damage:
The frequency for the Free Radical Test varies with each individual. If an individual test color is in the high free radical range, the person should begin or increase antioxidant supplementation and retest at least twice a month until the free radical activity has been reduced. The Free Radical Test should be taken once a month thereafter. Sulkowitch Calcium Test The Sulkowitch test measures the amount of calcium excreted in the urine which provides insight on how well the body is able to absorb and utilize dietary calcium. The amount of calcium in the urine directly correlates to the amount in the blood. Because calcium metabolism is related to the parathyroid gland, this test may be also a screen for parathyroid gland disorders. This is also a very important test to assess if the calcium one is taking as a supplement is being absorbed and is the correct dose. Reduced calcium absorption can be caused by low intake of calcium dietary and or supplement wise, decreased stomach acid (which reduces as we age), high fat diet, high phosphorus diet ( red meats and carbonated beverages), low vitamin D status, low magnesium intake, decreased exercise and digestive weakness. It is very unusual for calcium to be too high due to food overconsumption. The body is deficient in the bones will try and retain calcium for the bones by taking it from muscles and teeth, hence cramps and decalcification of the teeth in deficiencies. Some of the signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency include:
Vitamin C Status This test determines deficiencies in overall Vitamin C status. Heavy Metal Screen This is a method of screening Heavy Metals in any liquid solution (i.e. water, urine, saliva, food, dust, paint, etc.). The scientifically documented Heavy Metal Test (Screen) allows the detection of free electrically active heavy-metal ions in an aqueous solution such as drinking water, urine, and saliva, by means of a simple single-use procedure and in just a few minutes. It is easy to conduct and the results are not only quickly obtained but also provide a dramatic and convincing demonstration of the product. The test is recommended for anyone who is concerned about the level of metals in their body or currently considering using chelation or detox. This technique allows you to:
Zinc Sufficiency Assessment of immune function as it relates to zinc. A very simple test in which the patient is given an oral sample of 0.2% Zinc Sulphate solution. If the patient experiences no taste, there is a zinc deficiency; zinc status is normal if there is a bitter taste. Results correlate well with Hair Analysis results. Many health conditions can be related to deficient zinc levels, such as:
Zinc Deficiency Signs and Symptoms:
Information courtesy of Professional Health Products- In-Office Lab Tests Manual |
+What are the common symptoms & conditions associated with metabolic dysfunction? The common symptoms and conditions associated with metabolic dysfunction include:
+What are the risks of developing metabolic dysfunction? The principal risks of developing metabolic dysfunction include:
+Why is an acid-alkaline balance important in the body?
+What increases acidity and alkalinity in the body?
+How do I know which metabolic test is right for me? Your Naturopath or Nurse Practitioner will help assess which test is right for you, including an analysis of the most cost efficient path of testing. We recommend a New Patient Visit with one of our Naturopathic Doctors for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot prior to lab testing as there are many tests available. Lab testing alone is a one-dimensional picture of your health. The expertise of a health professional is required to create a three-dimensional picture for proper selection, and interpretation of lab testing. To complete your care we recommend booking your Post-Lab consult 2 weeks after testing to review your results and receive your tailored health plan. |
+How is this test different than the tests done at my medical doctor’s office? The metabolic urine test (MUT) and metabolic urine test plus (MUT+) are integrative tests that are not performed by traditional medical doctors. They assess functional weaknesses that are precursors to disease. |
+Are these Metabolic tests covered under insurance plans? Third-party insurance companies may cover all or a portion of your consultations. The MUT and MUT+ may be covered under third party insurance plans under in-clinic tests. Please check with your individual provider for details and how to submit claims. |
+How is metabolic dysfunction treated? Your Revivelife clinician will review all findings and create a tailored plan to you based on what are the root causes of your metabolic dysfunction. The use of tailored meal plans, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, herbs, probiotics, prebiotics, stress management and or acupuncture that promote healing is often advised. Additional testing including food sensitivities, health & hormone and or organic acid test may be considered to further investigate the potential causes of increased metabolic concerns. We recommend a New Patient Visit for the most comprehensive approach to your health or a Pre-Lab Visit for a quick snapshot before lab testing and a Post-Lab consult to review your results and receive your tailored health plan. To book an appointment Click Here! |
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