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Is Anxiety Causing Your Energy Drain?


When you are stressed, it can be difficult to maintain high to moderate energy levels. Those who suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mental health disorders may find that dealing with mental illness on top of regular stressors can be a difficult challenge.

You may find yourself wanting to doze off at your desk at 2 p.m., not having the energy to take care of household chores or even participate in a hobby you enjoy because you are fighting fatigue. You may have suffered from a  panic or anxiety attack, and your energy could have taken a massive hit.

How do you recognize when anxiety drains your energy? Here are some ways to recognize fatigue stemming from anxiety, according to The Calm Clinic:

Your body and mind will experience a crash.

When you’re going through a panic or anxiety attack or just a severe bout of anxiety-ridden thoughts, your body and mind prepare for a flight-or-fight scenario. Your adrenaline peaks, but then, it crashes, which makes can simulate an extreme sugar rush without the sugar.

Your mind will feel incredibly tired.

When you experience anxiety, your brain is overloaded with a slew of thoughts, emotions and the catastrophization of worst-case scenarios. Due to the brain’s constant working, you will feel tired after being anxious. Those with anxiety may also experience an onset of depression after a panic or anxiety attack.

Tiredness can be a coping mechanism.

If you’re incredibly stressed and anxious, your body and mind could immediately go into a state of fatigue. You may want to take an extended nap or go to bed for the night in an attempt to get your brain to stop and reset. Your body does this so you won’t feel more overwhelmed with the stressors that come your way. You may have cravings to take naps and to relax, but when the time comes, you may not be able to do so.

You have trouble going to sleep at night.

You may feel tired all day due to your anxiety, but the moment your head hits the pillow, you are awake. Insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders.

So what are some ways to combat tiredness from anxiety?

Limit your caffeine intake. While that extra pick-me-up from the afternoon cup of joe could help you initially, it can make the crash worse.

Eat a balanced diet. Prepare recipes for you and your family that will give you a natural energy boost.

Exercise to get your blood pumping.

Meditate for a few minutes per day to exercise your brain, too. Not giving in to your tired urges could also help you in the long run. Do your best to work through those situations.

If you have anxiety, depression or another mental health disorder, consider cognitive behavioral therapy or another type of therapy from a mental health professional. If you’re on the go and need some advice, talk with a licensed professional on BetterHelp or read some advice columns. These steps could aid you as you recover from tiredness from anxiety, stress or all of the above.

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