iv max-CARDIO
- Reduces Plaque
- Reduces Inflammation
- Reduces Oxidative Stress
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Heart Disease
- Tailored to you. Commonly once a week until therapeutic results are obtained (4-8 treatments)
- Reassessment and then maintenance monthly.
Nine in ten Canadians lead a lifestyle that exposes them to at least one key risk of cardiovascular disease. Almost 80% of premature heart disease is preventable through healthier lifestyle choices. A healthy heart requires optimal lifestyle, stress management, sleep, blood sugar, reduced inflammation, and nutrients. This infusion provides the nutrients needed to reduce atheroscerlosis, plaque formation, oxidative damage, inflammation, and promote optimal heart health.
Ingredients: B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, L-Carnitine, Taurine
- B Vitamins help support heart health collectively. Vitamin B3 (niacin) may decrease the production of Lp(a) in the liver 1,2
- Vitamins B6, Folic acid and B12, reduce homocysteine which correlate strongly with the risk of cardiovascular disease.3-5
- Vitamin C along with the amino acids proline and lysine- are essential for the formation of healthy collagen.
- Vitamin C protects the integrity of the blood vessels.6-9
- Calcium: Is required by the heart to contract and pump out blood to the body, it regulates blood pressure and is necessary for blood clotting.
- Magnesium helps to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipid peroxidation.10
- Selenium is an antioxidant that reduces oxidative damage, inflammation, and increases glutathione; observational studies found a 50% increase in blood selenium levels was associated with a 24% reduction in the risk of heart disease.11
- Zinc may protect the heart muscle from oxidative stress.12
- L-Carnitine the active form of dietary carnitine and a driver of TMAO, is emerging as a target for CVD prevention and treatment, because it has an important role in the oxidation of fatty acids and cardiac energy metabolism13
- Taurine may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease; research shows a link between higher taurine levels and significantly lower rates of death from heart disease, as well as reduced cholesterol and blood pressure14
- IM Fuel D: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased blood pressure, obesity, diabetes mellitus, stroke, congestive heart failure, and metabolic syndrome.15,16
- IV Fuel G Push: Glutathione is a master antioxidant that protects the lining of the arteries, stabilizes platelets, and reduces inflammation, oxidation of fats, and circulating cholesterol.17
B vitamins to reduce homocysteine and energize with chromium to stabilize blood sugar.
Ingredients: Extra B Vitamins, Hydroxy & Methyl B12 (active B12’s), 5-MTHF (active folate), Chromium
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- Ayers J, Cook J, Koenig RA, et al, Recent Developments in the Role of Coenzyme Q10 for Coronary Heart Disease: a Systematic Review, Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2018 May 16;20(6):29