- Reduces Oxidative Damage
- Supports Liver Health
- Skin Lightening & Brightening
- Longevity
- Chemotherapy Recovery
- Skin Beauty & Acne
- Tailored to you. Commonly once a week until therapeutic results are obtained (4-8 treatments)
- Reassessment and then maintenance monthly.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that reduces free radical damage and inflammation. It can improve acne, brain health, recovery, reduce side effects from chemotherapy, lifestyle diseases, and improve longevity.1-43
Fun Fact: Also, known as the “Beyonce” due to its skin lightening, brightening & evening skin tone properties.44
Glutathione can help detoxification and skin tone. The color of your skin is determined by the amount of melanin under your skin. The more melanin the darker your skin. This formula is designed to synergistically work to prevent the amino acids in your body from mixing with the enzymes that produce melanin and repair cells that have suffered oxidative damage.44 As a result, your skin may look naturally lighter with even pigmentation. 44 Note potential skin lightening requires multiple sessions and results may vary.
Ingredients IV Max – Fuel G: Glutathione (601-2500mg) (once weekly x10)
Optional: Skin Lightening Add On Protocol
Ingredients IV Max – Skin Lightening Nutrients: B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Carnitine, Glutamine, Glycine, Lysine, NAC, Proline, Taurine (once weekly x 5 alternating with)
Ingredients IV Max – Fuel C: Vitamin C 20-80g (once weekly x5)
- Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, supports detoxification, and can help reduce and brighten skin tone.44,45
- B Vitamins boost metabolism; energy; promote neurotransmitter production for optimal brain and mood; help to reduce the impact of stress on the body; and support healthy collagen and connective tissue to promote healthy hair and skin.46-50
- Biotin supports the production of keratin for optimal hair, skin, and nail health.51,52
- Vitamin C is an antioxidant, reduces inflammation, stabilizes cell membranes, promotes skin healing, and forms collagen.53-55
- Calcium: Both calcium and vitamin C, are responsible for the differentiation of keratinocytes, a major cell type in the epidermis of the skin. Reduced levels can contribute to dryness of the skin.56,57
- Copper: Copper acts as an antioxidant, and stimulates the maturation of collagen, thus is critical in improving skin elasticity. and thickness.58
- Magnesium: Magnesium helps to reduce the effects of stress, inflammation, free radical damage, and insulin resistance for improved skin health.59,60
- Chromium is a mineral that supports balanced blood sugar, which can help reduce cravings and support the health of the skin.61
- Manganese is a mineral that is a strong antioxidant and may reduce disease risk.62
- Selenium is an antioxidant, promotes immunity, and supports thyroid function which influences hair, skin, and nails. Research has shown that it helps to protect the skin from UV- induced cell damage, skin inflammation, and pigmentation.63
- Zinc is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, modulates the immune system, promotes wound healing, reduces the production of excess sebum, and is antibacterial against P. acnes the bacteria linked to acne.64,65
- Carnitine (L-Acteyl-Carnitine) may help reduce the aging process of the skin.66
- Glutamine increases the production of collagen to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails.67
- Glycine increases collagen synthesis to support healthy, skin, hair, nails, and joint health.68
- Lysine absorbs calcium which helps in the formation of collagen which is essential for forming the basic structure of hair follicles, strengthening hair shafts, and boosting hair growth in general. Lysine also helps to stop 5-alpha reductase from converting to testosterone into DHT, which is the main cause of male pattern baldness.69
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, supports neurotransmitters, promotes vasodilation through increasing nitric oxide, helps to treat alopecia, and provides Sulphur to hair cells to improve their texture and strength.70
- Proline is an amino acid that works with glutamine, glycine, and lysine to promote collagen synthesis.71
- Taurine is an amino acid that has anti-aging properties, supports healthy hair growth, and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the skin.72,73
- IM Fuel D: Vitamin D supports keratinocytes, follicle growth cycle, skin barrier function, and helps to reduce skin infections.74
- IM CoQ10: CoQ10 positively influences the age-affected cellular metabolism and reduces the signs of skin aging at the cellular level.75
This mini version of our powerful glutathione IV can be used alone or added to our other formulas. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.
Ingredient: Glutathione
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