Revivelife Clinic I Naturopath in Ottawa



  • Restore Nutrients
  • Supports Hormones


  • Fertility
  • Hormone Balance


  • Tailored to you. Commonly once a week until therapeutic results are obtained (4-8 treatments)
  • Reassessment and then maintenance monthly.

Key nutrients for fertility include B vitamins, folic acid, antioxidants and minerals such as selenium and zinc. These nutrients promote hormone balance, egg quality for women and sperm health for men.1-3


Optimal fertility and pregnancy requires a balance of hormones, reduction of stress, optimal nutrition, and overall wellness. This nutrient infusion supports all the key vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids to promote fertility wellness.


Optimal fertility and pregnancy requires a balance of hormones, reduction of stress, optimal nutrition, and overall wellness.ThisIV therapy replenishespotentially deficient nutrients that are linked hormone balance, sperm motility, and sperm quality.


Ingredients: B Vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Glutamine, NAC, Taurine

  • B Vitamins support energy, hormone balance, and help reduce the effects of stress on the body. Folic Acid is a B vitamin for both men and women in fertility. For women supplementing with folic acid helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects while for men it is vital for optimal sperm count and motility.4
  • Vitamin C helps to support immunity, promote iron absorption, progesterone production, and corrections to luteal phase defects (characterized by insufficient progesterone)5
  • Selenium can promote healthy follicles in the ovaries, which develop and release the eggs, and can help protect against birth defects and miscarriages caused by DNA damage.6
  • Zinc supports fertility by regulating hormone function, cell division, and ovulation.7,8
  • Carnitine Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) has been found to reduce oxidative stress, reduce cellular stress, maintain hormone balance, and enhance energy production to support fertility for women.8
  • Glutamine may improve human preimplantation and embryo development.9,10
  • NAC is an antioxidant that may improve fertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by inducing or augmenting the ovulation cycle.11
  • Taurine has been found in the reproductive tract fluids in women and is thought to play a role in preimplantation and healthy embryo development.9


  • IM Fuel D: Vitamin D helps to reduce fatigue, inflammation, oxidative stress, and promote overall wellness.12
  • IM CoQ10: CoQ10 is also important for energy production, along with providing protection against free radicals. 9


  • Daily antioxidant complex that includes 250 to 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 to 800 I.U. of vitamin E (in the form of mixed tocopherols and toco-trienols)
  • Zinc-30 mg/day to no more than 60mg/day
  • Selenium-200 mcg/day
  • Arginine-2 to 4 gms/day
  • Daily Vitamin B complex that contains at least 400 mcg of folic acid
  • Carnitine (either L-carnitine or acetyl-l-carnitine) 500 to 1000 mg three times a day
  • CoQ-10 30 to 100 mg/day

Contains taurine, selenium and zinc for optimal hormone balance and fertility.

+Ingredients: B Vitamins, Chromium, Zinc, Taurine

Ingredients: B Vitamins, Methyl B12 (active B12), Methyl Folate (active folate),Calcium, Chromium, Copper,Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Taurine

  • B Vitamins support energy, hormone balance, and help reduce the effects of stress on the body. Folic Acid is a B vitamin forboth men andwomen in fertility. For women supplementing with folic acid helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects while for men itis vital for optimal sperm count and motility.4,5
  • Methyl B12 is an active form of B12 for increased bioavailability.
  • Methyl Folate (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate (L-5-methyl-THF) is an active form of folate.
  • Calcium supports sperm production in men
  • Chromium helps support blood sugar
  • Copper helps hormone balance
  • Magnesium helps to relax the nervous system
  • Manganese supports energy
  • Vitamin C helps to increase sperm count and maintain healthy sperm quality. One study revealed a 112-140% increase in sperm count with additional vitamin C compared to placebo while another study found significant DNA damage when vitamin C levels were reduced.6,7
  • Selenium may help sperm motility.7
  • Zinc is key for fertility by supporting healthy sperm formation, motility, and testosterone levels.8-10
  • Taurine has been shown to have a positive impact on sperm health and male fertility by increasing sperm quality, count, motility, and shape.11


  • IM Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps to support immunity, mood, sleep, hormone balance, and overall wellness.

Contains taurine, selenium and zinc for optimal hormone balance and fertility.

+Ingredients: B Vitamins, Chromium, Zinc, Taurine

  1. Schaefer E and Nock D, The Impact of Preconceptional Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation on Female Fertility, Clin Med Insights Womens Health. 2019;12:1179562X19843868
  2. Fallah A, Mohamma-Hasani A, and Colagar AH, Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility: A Review of Zn Roles in Men’s Health, Germination, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization, J Reprod Infertil. 2018 Apri-Jun;19(2):69-81.
  3. Takihara H et al. Zinc sulfate therapy for infertile males with or without varicocelectomy. Urology 1987; 29: 63-64.
  4. Wallock, LM, Ames, BN. Adequate folic acid in diet may be important for both men and women of reproductive age. Ascribe Newswire, University of California, Berkley, 2001 Feb.
  5. Mumford SL, Browne RW, Schliep KC, et al, Serum Antioxidants Are Associated with Serum Reproductive Hormones and Ovulation among Healthy Women, J Nutr. 2016 Jan; 146(1):98-106
  6. Qazi IH, Ange C, Yang H, et al, Selenium, Selenoproteins, and Female Reproduction: A Review, Molecules. 2018 Dec;23(12):3053
  7. American Physiological Society. “Preconception zinc deficiency could spell bad news for fertility: Micronutrient availability can have early and long-lasting effects on egg quality. “ ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, April 24, 2018,, Retrieved 1,24,20
  8. Agarwal A, Sengupta P, and Durairajanayagam D, Role of L-carnitine in female infertility, Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018; 16:5
  9. Devreker F, Van den Bergh M, Biramane J, et al, Effects of taurine on human embryo development in vitro, Human Reproduction, 14(9), September 1999, 2350-2356
  10. Gholipour V, Chamani M Aghdam Shahryar H, et al, Effects of Dietary L-glutamine Supplement on Performance, Egg Quality, Fertility and Some Blood Biochemical Parameters in Gunea Fowls, Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 23(6):903-910, 2017
  11. Bedaiwy MA, RezkH A, Ihany A, et al, N-acetyl cysteine improves pregnancy rate in long standing unexplained infertility: A novel mechanism of ovulation induction, Fert and Steril,
  12. Hoeck AD, Pall ML. Will vitamin D supplementation ameliorate diseases characterized by chronic inflammation and fatigue? Medical hypotheses. Feb 2011;76(2):208-213.
  13. Maes M, Mihaylova I, Kubera M, Uytterhoeven M, Vrydags N, Bosmans E. Coenzyme Q10 deficiency in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is related to fatigue, autonomic, and neurocognitive symptoms and is another risk factor explaining the early mortality in ME/CFS due to cardiovascular disorders. Neuoendrocrinol Lett 2009;30:470-478.
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